Dr. Sondra H. Matthaei
Professor Emerita of Christian Religious Education
Ph.D., School of Theology at Claremont
M.R.E., Saint Paul School of Theology
B.A., Kansas State University
Recent Publications
"Pedagogical Issues in Theological Education for Diverse Peoples and Divergent Thinkers" in Proleptic Pedagogy: Theological Education Anticipating the Future, Editors: Sondra H. Matthaei and Nancy R. Howell (Eugene OR: Cascade Books, 2014)
Youth Ministry in a Technological Age, Co-Editor with Clare Smith (Philadelphia PA: XLibris, 2011)
Loving God, Loving Neighbor: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Youth Ministry, editor (Philadelphia: XLibris Press, forthcoming, 2008).
"Rethinking Christian Formation," Religious Education Journal (Spring 2004)
"Vision and Imagination in Transformative Theological Education," Theology Colloquy Journal (Independence, MO: Community of Christ, 2004)
"The United Methodist Deacon: Servant Ministry in the Communion of the Trinity," (Monograph published by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church, 2003)