Sample Endowed Scholarship Sets Goal of $50,000 for Seminary Education by December 31
We desperately need the healing and prophetic voice of an authentic Christian faith… – Tex Sample, Emeritus Board Chair, Saint Paul School of Theology
The Tex and Peggy Sample Endowed Scholarship, established in the summer of 2022, seeks to support seminary education through an anonymous challenge gift from a generous donor.
According to Vice President for Institutional Advancement Jay Simmons, the donor will match every dollar contributed to the Sample Scholarship up to $25,000. This would make a total endowed scholarship fund of $50,000. Once the scholarship endowment is fully funded, any Saint Paul student in good standing may qualify for support.
“Our goal is to meet the matching requirement by December 31, 2022,” according to Simmons.
Tex Sample, who is the Robert B. and Kathleen Rogers Professor Emeritus of Church and Society, says he and wife Peggy are “humbled and excited by the establishment of the scholarship.”
Sample taught at Saint Paul for 32 years before his 1999 retirement. Over the course of his career, he has worked as a lecturer, consultant and community organizing leader.
Inspired by a Commitment to Justice
At a time when society is deeply divided politically, ideologically and economically, God calls upon faith leaders to roll up their sleeves and do the work of renewing the church and transforming the world.
Sample has devoted his ministry to doing just that ever since his arrival at Saint Paul in 1966 for a faculty interview.
“After being here for just a few hours,” he says, “I knew I wanted to come.”
He recalls being drawn to the school’s theory-practice orientation to theological education. Teaching at Saint Paul enabled him to combine serious academic study with an ongoing commitment to organizing and action in the larger world.
To put it more succinctly, “The school combined the classroom and the street.”
Sample’s wife Peggy, who works as a singer and artist, has been a strong supporter of his work in theological education, social action and the church. Even after his retirement from Saint Paul, he remained in close contact with the school during the 12 years he and Peggy lived in Phoenix, Arizona.
Since moving back to the Kansas City area in 2012, Sample has occasionally taught, preached and lectured at Saint Paul. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees since 2017, including a three-year term as Board Chair.
The Samples have supported Saint Paul financially for more than 50 years.
Paving the Way for Authentic Christian Ministry
In an age where churches are in sharp decline, Sample says, “we need an outraged and compassionate church, albeit a minority word against the principalities and powers that hold us in captivity.”
Scholarships enable more students to acquire the deep theological understanding and hands-on knowledge that come from working with experienced professors and church practitioners at Saint Paul. That prepares them to work with congregations and communities to address serious issues such as classism, racism, sexism, heterosexism and materialism.
Seminary education also prepares students to lead and serve vibrant social justice ministries. With 40% of our population struggling financially, Sample notes, ministers are called to offer an alternative vision to the consumerist mentality that characterizes much of our culture.
How You Can Support Tomorrow’s Faith Leaders Today
Saint Paul exists to aid students through strong academic programs and supportive spiritual formation. Scholarships and financial aid make it possible for more students to afford seminary education as they prepare for a life of service.
Simmons reminds us that “Every contribution to Saint Paul enhances our ability to serve these students and to provide the financial assistance that reduces their cost of attendance.”
Sample envisions a time when every student at Saint Paul is given a full tuition scholarship. It can be financially very difficult for any student to leave seminary with a big educational debt. While the Sample scholarship will help one student each year, “we need many more,” he says. “In fact, the school needs an extra $20 million in endowment to provide sufficient funds for a tuition-free student body.”
The good news is there are many easy ways for anyone to donate to Saint Paul and help us open the doors of seminary education to more emerging faith leaders.
- Text SAMPLE to 913-320-5444 to donate by phone.
- Donate online.
- Mail a check to Saint Paul School of Theology, Development Office – Group 3, P.O. Box 843740, Kansas City, MO 64184-37401. Please note your gift is for the Sample Scholarship Fund.
- Scan the QR code below to access our online donations page:
Regardless of the method you choose, we are grateful for everyone’s continuing support for scholarships at Saint Paul. Together, we can help more students share God’s love with a world in need.
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