Lia McIntosh works with other Saint Paul School of Theology students

Saint Paul Alum Rev. Lia McIntosh Earns Life Coaching Appointment

The Saint Paul family congratulates Rev. Lia McIntosh on her appointment to a full-time Extension Ministry of Leadership and Life Coaching. 

The designation comes from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church.

Rev. McIntosh’s vision is that Every leader has a coach and uses coaching skills to support others.

Throughout her career, she has guided hundreds of leaders towards greater success and a bigger impact on the people they serve. She empowers clients to discover greater purpose and motivation for their work, inspiring them to transform talk into action. 

Rev. McIntosh earned her Master of Divinity from Saint Paul School of Theology, which prepared her for “unexpected ministry opportunities as a church planter, Annual Conference leadership, community organizer, and life coach.

In addition to her coaching experience, Rev. McIntosh has served God and touched countless lives through a number of other ministries: 

  • Associate Director of Congregational Excellence of the United Methodist Missouri Annual Conference
  • Specialization in urban ministry
  • Pastor of four churches
  • Founding pastor of Renaissance UMC, now a campus of St. James UMC in Kansas City
  • Health Care Marketing, serving communities across the Midwest through leading, training and coaching employees
  • Saint Paul Course of Study School instructor
  • Community organizer

Rev. McIntosh is the author of Blank Slate: Write Your Own Rules for a 22nd Century Movement and She Who Rises: Unleashing the Warrior Chick Within. Her work has also appeared in the Upper Room Devotional, The Abingdon Preaching Annual and Circuit Rider magazine. 

“Most importantly,” she says, “my seminary experience at Saint Paul provided a community of people and resources where I could authentically explore my God questions, envision new possibilities for faith development, and expand my leadership abilities.

Now more than ever, God is calling faith leaders like Rev. McIntosh to serve on the front lines of change. 

If you’re ready to answer the same call, we encourage you to contact us at Saint Paul. Our degree programs will prepare you for innovative spiritual leadership in your church, your community and the world.


  1. […] McIntosh recently earned an appointment to a full-time Extension Ministry of Leadership and Life Coaching. Throughout her career, she has empowered clients to practice more effective leadership for […]

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