Nationally Known Preacher Talks Peace and Justice
The Rev. Dr. James Alexander Forbes, Jr. is Senior Minister Emeritus of the Riverside Church in the City of New York and served as Senior Minister for 18 years (1989-2007). He is nationally and internationally known as a speaker, preacher and teacher and was named one of the 12 “most effective preachers” in the English-speaking…
Read MoreDr. Sample Brings Community Organizing to Saint Paul
Tex Sample is a specialist in church and society, a storyteller, author, and the Robert B. and Kathleen Rogers Professor Emeritus of Church and Society at Saint Paul School of Theology. After moving back to Kansas City, Dr. Sample has reengaged with the seminary in several ways. This past August, students at the Saint Paul:…
Read MoreEd Kail Teaches Saint Paul Students About Rural Life and Ministry
What does a person do after they retire? They may read, write, or travel. Others, like Ed Kail, continue to share their knowledge and passion with others. Kail (pronounced Kyle) is a leading advocate for rural churches; he was a leader in Iowa’s response to the 1980s farm crisis. In 1991, he began to teach…
Read MoreProfessor Graves Talks Multimedia in Sermons
The following is a guest blog post from Saint Paul Preaching and Worship Professor Dr. Mike Graves. His personal blog is called Pulpit & Pew and can be found here. Multimedia in Sermons? In my introductory preaching class at the seminary this semester I decided that one of the three required sermons need not be…
Read MoreKnight Receives Exemplary Teaching Award From GBHEM
Rev. Dr. Kim Cape, General Secretary of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) of the United Methodist Church, came to Saint Paul School of Theology to congratulate Dr. Henry H. Knight III and present him with the 2015 Exemplary Teaching Award. Dr. Knight is a Professor of Wesleyan Studies at Saint Paul.…
Read MoreSaint Paul & Kansas Wesleyan Sign First 3+3 Agreement
Rev. H. Sharon Howell, President of Saint Paul School of Theology, and Kansas Wesleyan University President and CEO Matt Thompson, Ph.D., and have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a 3+3 theological studies undergraduate-graduate program. The agreement is thought to be the first of its kind to be established between a United Methodist-based university and…
Read MoreHoeft Installed as Town and Country Ministries Chair
Dr. Jeanne Hoeft has been named to the Franklin and Louise Cole Chair in Town and Country Ministries. A gift from the estate of Franklin and Louise Cole in 2009 led to the naming of the chair for Town and Country Ministries which has been a historic commitment and focus of theological education at Saint…
Read MoreRev. Dennis Hanneman Receives Humanitarian Award
Saint Paul School of Theology alum Rev. Dennis Hanneman has received the Humanitarian Award from Nebraska Wesleyan University and will be honored at their homecoming in September. Rev. Hanneman has a tremendous record of service in war zones. He was a medic in the Vietnam War and a missionary in the Congo. He served with…
Read MoreDr. Young Ho Chun Announces Continued Service to Saint Paul
Saint Paul School of Theology Systematic Theology Professor Dr. Young Ho Chun, Ph.D. gave a defining lecture entitled “Crossing” this past May at a dinner honoring his thirty-two years of teaching at the seminary. Dr. Chun is renowned world-wide for his study and work within academia and the church. Korean Bishop Rev. Dr. Kim Sundo,…
Read MoreWhat Is Happening At Our Former Campus? Guadalupe Centers, Inc. [VIDEO]
The property at the corner of Truman Road and Van Brunt is alive with activity. It’s new owner, Guadalupe Centers, Inc., is using every part of the the former Saint Paul School of Theology campus to provide services for the residents in the area. It was critical to find a missionally aligned organization with Saint…
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