Saint Paul Adds Convenience with Online & Hybrid Classes

Father holding his daughter after graduating with the help of hybrid and online theology degree

Are you looking for ways to balance your theological classes with other responsibilities? If so, you’re not alone. According to some estimates, as many as 95% of seminary students are 25 or older. Other research on students across all disciplines reveals that 26% of adult students are raising children, while 58% have jobs while enrolled…

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Flexible Learning EXperience Lessens Seminary Commutes

Student on laptop experiencing online theological studies at Saint Paul School of Theology.

Saint Paul School of Theology announces an enhanced FLEX schedule for theological education. Students will receive a more Flexible Learning EXperience that combines convenience and community opportunities with intentional academic scheduling. Saint Paul students consult with their faculty advisor to plan a FLEX schedule that will fit their learning style and life situation. They may choose…

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Iowa Student Finds Peace in Dedicating All to Christ

Photo of Iowa Student Fredrick Killian preaching as part of his divinity degree.

Iowa student, Fredrick Killian, exemplified American success in his professional life. But he was restless—and it showed. He served in a number of different professions, including law enforcement, hotel management and hospitality, and then, executive management for nursing homes. Though he won awards and accolades with each change of profession, he knew he hadn’t found…

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Dr. Young Advocates for E-Reader Program in Liberia

Saint Paul DMin Alumna, Dr. Yatta Young

Saint Paul DMin Alumna Advocates for E-Reader Training in Liberia Saint Paul DMin Alumna, Dr. Yatta Young, believes that expanding access to theological resources in remote locations enhances teaching and learning. She was the first person to launch the E-Reader Project under the African Association of United Methodist Theological Institutions in 2013. Dr. Young is…

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