Seminary News
Saint Paul School of Theology seminary students and faculty are involved in many different activities and events as part of its mission to serve the Church and the world. You can check here for news updates, our latest blogs, and information on upcoming events or other published items about Saint Paul. Keep up with online and on-campus activities s by subscribing to learn more about us! Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates.
Saint Paul Revives Judd H Jones Scholarship and Internship at the Hub
The Contextual Education Office at Saint Paul School of Theology is happy to announce the return of the Judd H. Jones Internship for any Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (MACM) or Master of Divinity (MDiv) student living in the greater Kansas City area. This internship was launched through a memorial offering in 2000 from…
Spiritual Formation Deepens Our Connection to God
Every aspect of our lives is spiritual, and so everything we do forms (or deforms) us spiritually. – Dr. Jim Brandt, Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology (Spiritual Formation Retreat syllabus, 2018) Spiritual formation requires focused intentionality to conduct our lives, both personally and collectively, as the image and likeness of God. According to Dr. Sharon…
HLC Continues the Accreditation of Saint Paul
In September 2022, Saint Paul School of Theology hosted a review team from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), one of Saint Paul’s primary accreditation agencies, as part of the Seminary’s regular reaffirmation cycle. On November 18, 2022, the Higher Learning Commission notified Saint Paul that the Commission “continued the accreditation of Saint Paul School of…
Sample Endowed Scholarship Sets Goal of $50,000 for Seminary Education by December 31
We desperately need the healing and prophetic voice of an authentic Christian faith… – Tex Sample, Emeritus Board Chair, Saint Paul School of Theology The Tex and Peggy Sample Endowed Scholarship, established in the summer of 2022, seeks to support seminary education through an anonymous challenge gift from a generous donor. According to Vice President…
MA in Theological Studies Advances Research, Creativity and Faith
God’s call to meet the needs of our changing world can take many different forms. Some are called to a life of ministry as a pastor, deacon or other role within a church. Others fulfill their purpose outside the church by serving as a chaplain, or by working toward a more just and peaceful society. …