Seminary News

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Faculty Write Commentaries for

Saint Paul faculty members Dr. Amy Oden, Professor of Early Church History and Spirituality, and Dr. Israel Kamudzandu, Associate Professor of New Testament Studies and Biblical Interpretation, have contributed numerous commentaries to the popular website for preachers, Dr. Amy Oden Dr. Amy Oden is a faculty member at the Saint Paul: Oklahoma City University…

Dr. Forbes

Nationally Known Preacher Talks Peace and Justice

The Rev. Dr. James Alexander Forbes, Jr. is Senior Minister Emeritus of the Riverside Church in the City of New York and served as Senior Minister for 18 years (1989-2007). He is nationally and internationally known as a speaker, preacher and teacher and was named one of the 12 “most effective preachers” in the English-speaking…

Dr. Tex Sample

Dr. Sample Brings Community Organizing to Saint Paul

Tex Sample is a specialist in church and society, a storyteller, author, and the Robert B. and Kathleen Rogers Professor Emeritus of Church and Society at Saint Paul School of Theology. After moving back to Kansas City, Dr. Sample has reengaged with the seminary in several ways. This past August, students at the Saint Paul:…

Ed Kail

Ed Kail Teaches Saint Paul Students About Rural Life and Ministry

What does a person do after they retire? They may read, write, or travel. Others, like Ed Kail, continue to share their knowledge and passion with others. Kail (pronounced Kyle) is a leading advocate for rural churches; he was a leader in Iowa’s response to the 1980s farm crisis. In 1991, he began to teach…

Church Multimedia

Professor Graves Talks Multimedia in Sermons

The following is a guest blog post from Saint Paul Preaching and Worship Professor Dr. Mike Graves. His personal blog is called Pulpit & Pew and can be found here. Multimedia in Sermons? In my introductory preaching class at the seminary this semester I decided that one of the three required sermons need not be…