Seminary News

Saint Paul School of Theology seminary students and faculty are involved in many different activities and events as part of its mission to serve the Church and the world. You can check here for news updates, our latest blogs, and information on upcoming events or other published items about Saint Paul. Keep up with online and on-campus activities s by subscribing to learn more about us! Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates.

Young woman taking an online class

Online Master of Divinity: Apply Now for 2020 Enrollment

Now more than ever, God is calling on spiritual leaders who can offer creative, transformative ministry to the church and to the world. Saint Paul School of Theology prepares you to answer that call through our online Master of Divinity degree. Our curriculum trains you to become an effective steward of the Christian faith through…

woman reads bible passage while lounging on couch

What Are You Reading? Get Inspired with Books by Saint Paul Alumni and Faculty

If you’re looking to expand your bookshelf, you’re in luck! Many Saint Paul faculty members and alumni have either written or contributed to a number of excellent books that take on a variety of historic and contemporary subjects.  To get you started, we introduce the following eight titles that will engage your faith and nourish…

Male mentor working with female student

Ministry Careers: Empowering Teens to Dream of Brighter Futures

Two Saint Paul alumni have dedicated their time and talents to empowering young people to create positive change. 

Lia McIntosh works with other Saint Paul School of Theology students

Saint Paul Alum Rev. Lia McIntosh Earns Life Coaching Appointment

The Saint Paul family congratulates Rev. Lia McIntosh on her appointment to a full-time Extension Ministry of Leadership and Life Coaching.  The designation comes from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church. Rev. McIntosh’s vision is that “Every leader has a coach and uses coaching skills to support others.”…

Saint Paul School of Theology logo

Saint Paul Board of Trustees Affirms UMCNext Commitments

The Board of Trustees of Saint Paul School of Theology affirms the four commitments of UMCNext: We long to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ, committed to a Wesleyan vision of Christianity, anchored in scripture and informed by tradition, experience and reason as we live a life of personal piety and social holiness. We commit…