Seminary News

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Young woman leading Bible discussion group

Guiding Emerging Ministers Through Vocational Discernment

People from all walks of life are called to share God’s love with a hurting world, drawing upon their own unique gifts and experiences.  How can faith leaders offer support to those in their churches and communities who may be discerning such a call?  Dr. Anne Walker, Executive Director of the Oklahoma campus of Saint…

Saint Paul Alumni "The Connection" logo

What Is There to Prevent Me? by alumna Rev. Colleen Riley

What is there to prevent me? One’s narrative identity  Acts Ch., 8:27-37 Ethiopian Eunuch Recently I read about a concept called narrative identity as it was described by Dan McAdams, Personality Psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University.  McAdam’s premise is that we use autobiographical narrative to find meaning using our own lived history. …

Reverand Sara Martin poses in front of the First United Methodist Church signage

Following God

by Dr. Melissa Pearce, Director of Alumni & Partner Relationships As we sat on the steps of her first appointment, First United Methodist Church of Guthrie, Oklahoma, I grappled with the juxtaposition of her age and the poise with which she detailed her call to ministry and her habit of “following God” faithfully and intentionally.…

Saint Paul School of Theology transparent logo.

A Statement on the Police Killing of George Floyd

We are dismayed and outraged about the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis by the lethal force of Officer Derek Chauvin. Floyd had been handcuffed and pushed to the ground, whereupon Officer Chauvin forcibly pressed down on Floyd’s neck for eight minutes as depicted in an independent video of the scene. In spite of Floyd…

Student participating in MACM course by video chat

Redesigned MACM Prepares Students for Leadership in Less Time

Those called to serve in ordained or lay ministry can now finish their seminary education more quickly at Saint Paul School of Theology. Our newly redesigned Master of Arts in Christian Ministry prepares students to lead in the church and beyond in just 38 credit hours. The program focuses on the social and cultural context…