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#GivingTuesday 2020: Your Generosity Supports Seminary Scholarships

Also: The CARES Act offers tax incentives for donations by year’s end.

“The scholarships I have received have made it possible for me to attend seminary. I would not be here without the generosity of those who provide scholarships.”

Like all students at Saint Paul School of Theology, Kayla Houck is able to pursue her seminary education thanks to the love and support of donors like you. “Those who make donations to the scholarship funds or provide scholarships are a blessing,” she says, “and I hope they know that in my eyes their generosity is a wonderful gift from God.”

This year’s #GivingTuesday is the perfect opportunity to celebrate God’s gifts by sharing our blessings with Houck and other students who have answered the call to serve in ministry. On December 1, you’re invited to help us reach this year’s goal of $5,000. 

Saint Paul students bring a variety of life experiences with them to seminary. They must also balance their education with other responsibilities such as parenting, paying bills and covering medical expenses. For many, seminary would be impossible without scholarships.

Paul Klepees says the scholarship he received enables him to meet the needs of his family while completing his MDiv degree. “As a father,” he explains, “the last thing I would want to do is finance the future of my family for my own education.”

Many students, like Jennifer Hailes, come to seminary with student loans from their undergraduate studies. Scholarships funded by our generous donors have enabled Hailes to prepare for ministry while avoiding additional debt.

CARES Act Encourages Donations Before the End of 2020

Another great reason to participate in this year’s #GivingTuesday movement comes courtesy of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The law provides tax incentives for charitable contributions before the end of 2020.

  • Taxpayers who itemize may deduct donations of up to 100% of adjusted gross income (AGI) for this year only. Starting January 1, the limit goes back down to 60% of AGI unless Congress acts before then.
  • Those who do not itemize may deduct up to $300 above the line, which reduces your AGI and overall tax burden for this year.
  • Corporations may deduct charitable donations of up to 25% of taxable income. Starting January 1, that goes back down to 10%.

You can be a part of #GivingTuesday at Saint Paul by visiting our donations page. When filling out your donation information, please select the #GivingTuesday designation in the drop-down menu. You can encourage others to join in by sharing your donation on your social media accounts.


Houck, Klepees, Hailes and all of our students appreciate your gifts as they prepare for ministry careers. “I am deeply thankful that student loans are not another thing in my life that I have to worry about,” Hailes says, “and that I can instead focus on my health, my family, and applying what I learn in seminary to my work in the church and the Body of Christ.”

Do you have questions about giving to Saint Paul? Please reach out to us online or call (913) 253-5051, or send an email to

We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your support!

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