Dr. Elaine Robinson
Professor of Methodist Studies and Christian Theology
Saint Paul: Oklahoma Campus
2501 North Blackwelder Ave.
Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel
Oklahoma City, OK 73106
Phone: 405-443-3196
Blog: In Wesley's Footsteps
Curriculum Vitae
"My focus is always on inspiring passion for ministry, as I am passionate about the ministry of the Church. My teaching and writing does this both by raising critical questions about the contemporary state of the church and society and modeling passion in my teaching and writing."
Ph.D. Emory University
MTS Perkins School of Theology
MA California State University
MS Air Force Institute of Technology
BA University of Colorado
United Methodist Church (UMC), Elder
Discipline or Specialty
Disciplinary/Research Interests
What do you hope your students come away with when they leave your classroom?
What is your teaching style?
Representative Courses Taught
Recent Publications
Leading with Love: Spiritual Disciplines for Practical Leadership (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2023)
Introduction to Theology for Ministry (Nashville: Foundery Books, 2017).
Exploring Theology, Fortress Foundations for Learning Series (Minneapolis: Fortress Press,
Race and Theology (Nashville: Abingdon Press).
"Recovering Los Desaparecidos, Renewing Wesleyan Theology," A Living Tradition: Critical Recovery and Reconstruction of Wesleyan Traditions, edited by Mary Elizabeth Moore (Nashville: Kingswood Books, forthcoming).
"Paul Tillich," in Beyond the Pale: Reading Ethics from the Margins, Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas and Miguel A. De La Torre (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2011).
"The Limits of Freedom: Racism in a Global Age," Alienation and Connection: Perspectives on Suffering in our Global Age, edited by Lisa Withrow (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011).
"El Exilio de Metodismo Argentino," Cuadernos de Teologia 26 (2007)
Godbearing: Evangelism Reconceived (Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2006).
Considering the Great Commission, co-editor with W. Stephen Gunter (Nashville: Abingdon, 2005).
"The Global Mission of the United Methodist Church" and "The Future of the Great Commission," in
Considering the Great Commission, Elaine A. Robinson and W. Stephen Gunter, eds. (Nashville: Abingdon, 2005).
These Three: The Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love (Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2004).