Dr. Knight and Rev. Dr. Kim Cape

Knight Receives Exemplary Teaching Award From GBHEM

Dr. Knight and Rev. Dr. Kim CapeRev. Dr. Kim Cape, General Secretary of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) of the United Methodist Church, came to Saint Paul School of Theology to congratulate Dr. Henry H. Knight III and present him with the 2015 Exemplary Teaching Award. Dr. Knight is a Professor of Wesleyan Studies at Saint Paul.

Each year GBHEM provides an Exemplary Teacher Award. The Exemplary Teacher Award recognizes a faculty member who “exemplifies excellence in teaching; civility and concern for students and colleagues; commitment to value-centered education; and service to students, the institution, and the community.”

Dr. Elaine Robinson, Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean and President H. Sharon Howell nominated Dr. Knight for the 2015 Exemplary Teacher Award which includes a $500 stipend and certificate.

They wrote:

“Dr. Hal Knight exemplifies excellence in teaching and represents the best of Saint Paul School of Theology. The students and alumni/ae of Saint Paul speak with deep appreciation of his teaching, class preparation, engagement in the classroom and his care for them as students and alums beyond the classroom.

Dr. Knight’s commitment to study is noted and the many guest practitioners he invites into his classroom is a reflection of his understanding of collaboration. We are grateful for his faithful service to the seminary and the church.”

Dr. Knight humbly accepted the award. He later noted on Facebook,

“John Wesley’s theology remains as exciting now as it was when I began teaching it 30 years ago.”

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