Dr. Joshua Bartholomew

Assistant Professor of Ethics, Church and Society

Phone: 913-253-5015
Curriculum Vitae

Disciplinary Interests

• If you had to write a thesis next semester based on your current theological, historical or biblical interests, what would the topic/title be?
• If a student contacted you to be their advisor on a research project, what area/s would excite/interest you enough to say yes?

Meet Dr. Joshua Bartholomew


Doctor of Philosophy – Religious and Theological Studies, The University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology
Master of Divinity – Systematic Theology and Philosophy of Religion, Union Theological Seminary
Bachelor of Science – Psychology and Theology (Minor), Fordham University – College at Rose Hill


National Baptist


Society for the Study of Black Religion

Recent Publications

*Denotes Peer-Reviewed Publication

The Poor People’s Campaign: a Sacred Memory and Call to Action


*Black Theology and The Black Panthers, Fortress Press, 2021.

Journal Articles

“Countering Racial Hate Narratives: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Peer-to-Peer Initiatives”
Postdoctoral Research National Institute of Justice Grant, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public
Health, 2021.

Book Chapters

*”From Black Power to Black Lives Matter: A Time to Remember the Power of Racial Politics” in Faith and Resistance in an Age of Division, Miguel De La Torre, ed., Orbis Books, 2021.

*“Race, Economics, and the Future of Blackness” in Critical Black Futures- -Deconstruction and
Speculation, Philip Butler, ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

“Black/Womanist Practical Guidance toward Collective Liberation for Black Churches” in
Discipling Young, Gifted, and Black Leaders, Emmett Price, ed., Fortress Press, 2021.

Dr. Joshua Bartholomew