Dr. Joshua Bartholomew
Assistant Professor of Ethics, Church and Society
Phone: 913-253-5015
Curriculum Vitae
Fordham University BS in Psychology, Minor in Theology
Union Theological Seminary in New York City, MDiv
University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology, PhD in Religious and Theological Studies
National/American Baptist/Non-Denominational
Society for the Study of Black Religion
Discipline or Speciality
Ethics, Christian Ethics, Social Ethics
Disciplinary/Research Interests
My research deals with the relationship between economic justice and racial equality.
What do you hope students come away with when they leave your classroom?
I hope students appreciate the significance of their particular social locations when examining the foundations, principles, and values of ethical reflection and advocacy.
What is your teaching style?
I believe it is my primary responsibility to facilitate my students' questioning through discussions, lead their critical analyses, and challenge their unexamined assumptions about personal belief, racial praxis, and social justice.
Representative Courses Taught
Introduction to Christian Ethics, Organizing for Change, Prophetic Ministry
Recent Publications
*Denotes Peer-Reviewed Publication
The Poor People’s Campaign: a Sacred Memory and Call to Action
*Black Theology and The Black Panthers, Fortress Press, 2021.
Journal Articles
“Countering Racial Hate Narratives: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Peer-to-Peer Initiatives”
Postdoctoral Research National Institute of Justice Grant, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public
Health, 2021.
Book Chapters
*”From Black Power to Black Lives Matter: A Time to Remember the Power of Racial Politics” in Faith and Resistance in an Age of Division, Miguel De La Torre, ed., Orbis Books, 2021.
*“Race, Economics, and the Future of Blackness” in Critical Black Futures- -Deconstruction and
Speculation, Philip Butler, ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
“Black/Womanist Practical Guidance toward Collective Liberation for Black Churches” in
Discipling Young, Gifted, and Black Leaders, Emmett Price, ed., Fortress Press, 2021.