Group of Saint Paul School of Theology members enjoying Giving Tuesday event

#GivingTuesday 2019 Celebration and Fundraising

Give, and it will be given to you. Luke 6:38 

Saint Paul School of Theology invites friends and alumni to kick off the holiday season with us by celebrating #GivingTuesday on December 3. 

We also encourage supporters to spread the word by sharing this invitation with people you care about.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to empower students to make new disciples of Christ and offer hope to a world in need.

By helping us reach this year’s $5,000 goal, your gift helps ensure that each new student receives a scholarship upon enrollment.

Dr. Tex Sample knows first-hand the power of seminary scholarships. 

He was able to complete his own seminary and PhD programs at Boston University, thanks to the scholarships he earned. “Without this scholarship support,” he explains, “I simply could not have been able to complete my education.”

Today, Sample continues to pay it forward through generous support of scholarships for today’s seminary students. He also serves his fellow brothers and sisters as Pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church, Robert B. and Kathleen Rogers Professor Emeritus of Church and Society, and Board Chair at Saint Paul.

Not only is #GivingTuesday a great way to have a positive impact on our students and the communities they serve, it’s also easy for everyone to get involved. 

There are two ways you can give online this year: 

After you give, share your support of Saint Paul on social media. This inspires others to join the #GivingTuesday movement as we prepare students for innovative, creative ministry.

Both methods let you give safely and immediately. You can make a one-time gift or set up regular funds transfers on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Together, our gifts are the power that drives the innovation, collaboration and transformation of Saint Paul School of Theology and the world.

If you have questions or need assistance with your donation, call us at 913-253-5051 or send an email to

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