woman reads bible passage while lounging on couch

What Are You Reading? Get Inspired with Books by Saint Paul Alumni and Faculty

If you’re looking to expand your bookshelf, you’re in luck!

Many Saint Paul faculty members and alumni have either written or contributed to a number of excellent books that take on a variety of historic and contemporary subjects. 

To get you started, we introduce the following eight titles that will engage your faith and nourish your mind. 

Schleiermacher and Sustainability: A Theology for Ecological Living

Dr. Jim Brandt, Professor of Historical Theology

Friedrich Schleiermacher is recognized by many as the founder of modern Protestant theology. Dr. Jim Brandt contributed the opening chapter to this volume, which was edited by Shelli M. Poe and published in November 2018. In his essay, Brandt places Schleiermacher’s ideas in the context of the contemporary ecological crisis that is facing humanity. 

Dr. Brandt teaches courses on Schleiermacher at Saint Paul, along with classes covering other practical and historic topics. He also serves as the Director of Contextual Education. Dr. Brandt describes his approach to theology as “disciplined, critical reflection on the Christian faith.”

American Coup: A Political Thriller 

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (Class of 1976)

In this forthcoming novel, Rep. Cleaver fast forwards to 2030, where we find an America facing dire ecological crises and a President aligned with militias and religious extremists. Only a journalist who has followed the President since before Election Day understands the danger the world is in. Yet even he may have underestimated the President’s reach as time runs out.

Rep. Cleaver represents Missouri’s 5th Congressional District in the House of Representatives, where he chairs the Subcommittee on National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy. Previously, he served for 8 years as the first African American Mayor of Kansas City. He earned his Master’s Degree from Saint Paul in Kansas City.

Pastor on Track: Reclaiming Our True Role 

Dr. Emanuel Cleaver III (Class of 2007)

What is a pastor’s essential leadership role as defined by scripture? Dr. Emanuel Cleaver III draws on his own experience to examine this question, along with lessons from other dynamic pastors across the country. He uses biblical models to define what makes the best church leaders.

Dr. Cleaver serves as pastor of St. James United Methodist Church in Kansas City. He has published articles and poetry in Unity Magazine and Circuit Rider Magazine, and has guest lectured at a number of conferences. Dr. Cleaver earned his Doctor of Ministry Degree from Saint Paul. 

John Wesley: Optimist of Grace 

Dr. Hal Knight, Donald and Pearl Wright Professor of Wesleyan Studies, and E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism

John Welsey’s “optimism of grace” gives us hope in a troubled world. It lets us know that the world can change for the better by the power of God’s love. In this book, Dr. Hal Knight shows us how Wesley’s ideas continue to shape Methodism in the present day, based on a vision of salvation by sanctification, empowered by the Holy Spirit and available to all.

Dr. Knight is an Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church. He has published many articles on John Wesley and the Wesleyan tradition. He teaches courses on Wesley, Contemporary Evangelical Theology and United Methodist History. 

Blank Slate

Rev. Lia McIntosh (Class of 2010)

Co-authored with Rev. Dr. Rodney Thomas Smothers and Jasmine Smothers, Blank Slate takes a look at the church through a generational lens. The authors introduce us to the current generations living in the U.S., and outline a seven-step process for getting “unstuck” when it comes to meeting the needs of today’s younger generations.

Rev. McIntosh recently earned an appointment to a full-time Extension Ministry of Leadership and Life Coaching. Throughout her career, she has empowered clients to practice more effective leadership for bringing about positive change. Previously, she served as Associate Director of Congregational Excellence for the United Methodist Missouri Annual Conference. Rev. McIntosh earned her Master of Divinity from Saint Paul. 

Global United Methodism: Telling the Stories, Living into the Realities 

Dr. Elaine Robinson, Professor of Methodist Studies and Christian Theology

This book features contributions from 10 scholars who share stories from Annual Conferences around the world. Edited by Dr. Elaine Robinson, the volume heightens our awareness of the “origins, development and contemporary expressions of United Methodism” while developing a global sensitivity to the United Methodist Church.

Dr. Robinson serves as an Elder in the United Methodist Church. Through her research, she raises “critical questions about the contemporary state of the church and society and modeling passion in teaching and writing.” Her published works include discussions of race and global issues as they relate to theology.

Survivor Care: What Religious Professionals Need to Know about Trauma

Dr. Christy Sim (Class of 2014)

How can pastors and Christian professionals minister to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence? Grounded in scientific and spiritual evidence, Dr. Sim takes us through standards of care, healing and confidentiality. She talks about why violence and abuse continue to plague our society and describes the neurobiology and biological reactions to trauma.

Dr. Sim offers training, consulting and advising related to domestic violence, sexual assault, family violence, secondary trauma prevention and trauma healing. She has taught courses on church safety and served as a family violence subject matter expert for Cedar Valley College in Texas. She earned her Doctorate from Saint Paul. 

Faith and Science at Notre Dame: John Zahm, Evolution, and the Catholic Church

Dr. John P. Slattery (Class of 2012)

Rev. John Zahm was one of the earliest graduates of the University of Notre Dame, and went on to become one of its most renowned educators and scholars. Zahm was also an accomplished historian and naturalist who believed that Roman Catholicism was compatible with Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. In this book, Dr. John P. Slattery explores Zahm’s ideas on science and faith, and his censure by the Congregation of the Index of Prohibited Books.

Dr. Slattery serves as Senior Program Associate for the Dialogue on Ethics, Science and Religion for the American Association for the Advancement of Science. His research focuses on the intersection of Catholicism with science, ecological theology, critical race theory, and scientific racism. He earned his PhD in Systematic Theology from Notre Dame and his Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Saint Paul. 


Just like the inspiring authors listed above, Saint Paul prepares leaders for creative ministry that generates church renewal and global transformation. 

If you’re ready to answer God’s call, we invite you to apply online or call us at 913-253-5000.

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