Saint Paul graduates pose in the gowns with service dog

Doctor of Ministry Prepares Christian Social Justice Leaders

The Bible clearly tells us that Jesus was sent to “proclaim good news to the poor…freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free” (Luke 4:18).

In a world beset with poverty, mass incarceration, systemic racism, violence and environmental disaster, Christian leaders continue to grapple with how to answer God’s call for social justice.

Saint Paul School of Theology answers the call by offering a Doctor of Ministry: Spiritual Leadership in Unsettled Times. As the highest degree in professional ministry, the DMin prepares you for advanced leadership in times of polarization and change.

Offered in partnership with the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection and Gemaliel Network affiliate MORE2, the program includes 30 credit hours of coursework available in both online and hybrid formats.

If you are seeking effective ways to provide social justice leadership within your ministry and beyond, we encourage you to apply for Fall 2019 admission ahead of the July 1 deadline.

Advanced Christian Leadership for Social Justice Ministry

Faithfully Magazine defines social justice as a fair distribution of wealth, privileges and opportunities. In a just society, everyone receives equitable treatment and has access to the same outcomes.

Christians are called to acknowledge the reality of oppression and work for an end to suffering and the creation of a more just society. We respond by seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit and conforming our actions to the love and grace of Christ.

Through your DMin studies at Saint Paul, you will develop a model for ministry that can be shared with other leaders who are working for change.

  • You will have the opportunity to lead social justice ministries and reflect more deeply on your own identity, theology and approach to ministry.
  • Coursework will also focus on exploring different approaches to leadership and applying contextual analysis in response to contemporary issues.
  • You will also register and attend Leadership Institute and Gamaliel Training, which promotes interfaith leadership centered on faith and justice.


Apply for DMin Program Before July 1

If you are interested in joining the Doctor of Ministry program at Saint Paul, you must apply before the July 1 deadline. You may complete an online application or request a printable PDF version by emailing our admissions office at .

The application process involves the following steps:

  • Complete the online application form.
  • Submit official transcripts from all colleges, theological colleges and seminaries you have attended.
  • Submit 4 letters of recommendation.
  • Submit a personal statement, 2-4 typed, double-spaced pages in length. Describe your future plans for ministry, your purpose for pursing the DMin degree and how it will advance your ministry. Briefly narrate your background, current and prior ministry positions and continuing education. Tell us about the experiences and theological resources that inform your interests.
  • Submit a theological writing sample, also 2-4 typed, double-spaced pages in length. There are two options for the theological writing sample:


    • Option #1: Analyze a poignant ministerial situation from an explicitly defined theological perspective. Address all implicit theological issues using carefully selected biblical, historical and theological sources. Offer constructive suggestions that are substantially related to your primary interests in the DMin program.
    • Option #2: Submit a previously written work such as an academic paper or theologially substantive sermon. If your document exceeds the 4-page limit, indicate which 4 pages the committee should read.
  • Sign a background check disclosure.
  • Submit a non-refundable application fee of $60.

An article by Jemar Tisby for Religion News emphasizes the need for “new organizations and initiatives that help bring about justice and equality.” If you are seeking to address this need through your ministry, we encourage you to apply for the DMin program at Saint Paul.

Have questions? You may contact the Saint Paul admissions office or give us a call at (913) 725-8289. We look forward to welcoming you to the Saint Paul family!

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