Several stacks of coins with a graduation cap represents the rising cost of education

3+3 Accelerated Degree Saves Time & Money for Students Earning Master of Divinity

A quality education is the key to success in any career, but the significant financial and time commitment can be a hindrance for some students.

More and more colleges and universities today have responded to this conundrum by offering accelerated programs that save thousands in tuition costs while letting students complete their degrees in less time.

And for students answering the call to a life in ministry, Saint Paul School of Theology offers a 3+3 program, which combines a 4-year bachelor’s degree with a 3-year seminary degree in only 6 years. The program is offered in partnership with two outstanding United Methodist institutions, Kansas Wesleyan University and Oklahoma City University.

Saint Paul and Kansas Wesleyan University

Beginning with a memorandum of understanding in 2015, Saint Paul and Kansas Wesleyan established a partnership that is the first of its kind between a United Methodist university and a United Methodist seminary.

It enables students to complete a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership at KWU, followed by a Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Saint Paul in a total of 6 years.

The undergraduate Christian Leadership program prepares students for full-time ministry careers through a combination of internships and hands-on coursework. Core requirements include the following classes:

  • Bible
  • Religion
  • Philosophy
  • Ministry
  • Educational and Social Sciences

KWU undergraduates may also participate in the university’s vibrant campus ministry offerings:

  • Monday Night Alive weekly worship
  • Student-led Bible studies
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Wesleyan Journey course, which involves intentional service and travel, domestic or abroad

Saint Paul and Oklahoma City University

Saint Paul first established a branch campus at Oklahoma City University, which is also affiliated with the United Methodist Church, in 2008.

A 2016 memorandum of understanding further cemented this partnership with the launch of a 3+3 program.

The program combines a Bachelor of Arts in religious studies at OCU with an MDiv from Saint Paul. For added convenience, both degrees may be completed on the same campus.

  • A religion studies major is an excellent path for students planning careers in a range of church-related vocations including Christian ministry, Christian education or graduate work in religion.
  • Coursework includes English, history, philosophy and social sciences.
  • Undergraduates may apply to the World House Scholars Program, which offers service learning projects and at least one approved international education experience. Courses address peace and nonviolence, social justice, ecological sustainability among other important topics.

MDiv Degree at Saint Paul School of Theology

The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is one of three graduate-level degrees at Saint Paul, along with a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies.

The MDiv program prepares graduates for religious leadership, including ministry in a church, a chaplaincy or similar position.

  • Graduates provide critical leadership that promotes church renewal
  • The program deepens a critical and practical understanding of the Bible
  • Students will obtain all necessary requirements for ordination in the United Methodist Church
  • The program offers specialization options including Evangelism, Wesleyan Studies and Women, Society and Church Studie


Is 3+3 the right option for your seminary education? Contact us for more information or if you have questions.

For the Kansas City or Oklahoma City campus, call 913-725-8289 or email .


  1. Karen O'Callaghan on September 11, 2020 at 6:14 pm

    I am looking for. Master’s program of Biblical Studies. I plan to teach. My specialty is The Old Testament I am hoping for classes online. I like your accelerated program; however, I already have a BA degree in Religious Studies from the University of San Diego. What would you suggest for me?

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