Jack Stephenson

Stephenson and Lampe Receive Distinguished Graduate Awards

Saint Paul School of Theology presented two distinguished graduate awards at its fifty-fifth Commencement Convocation on the Kansas Campus.

Rev. Dr. Jack Stephenson, MDiv 1982 and DMin 1994

Jack StephensonRev. Dr. Jack Stephenson is Senior Pastor of Anona United Methodist Church: A Multisite Church with three campuses in the Largo and St. Pete, Florida areas. The Florida multi-site church is both a recognized laboratory and a teaching church referenced by many denominations. Stephenson is published and he teaches World Religion to college students. He is also a postgraduate professor and lecturer for Protestant clergy in the areas of Church Health and Leadership.

“Your pastoral leadership at the Anona United Methodist Church: A Multisite Church and one of the fastest growing churches in the United States is not a secret,” said Acting President Nancy Howell. “Jack is a graduate who has taken a serious personal approach to making disciples for Jesus Christ. He has provided extraordinary vision, passion, faithful and effective leadership, and we honor him.”

Rev. Karen Lampe, MDiv 2002

Karen LampeRev. Karen Lampe is the executive pastor for Congregational Care at United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas. Her work includes all of the pastoral care (counseling, financial care, prayer ministry, visitation) as well as weddings, funerals, baptisms, and pastoral connections to the church family. She has taught numerous practicums at Saint Paul School of Theology as a seasoned ministry practioner.

“No one has touched the lives of more Saint Paul students in the last decade than Karen has in her capacity as Congregational Care Executive Pastor at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection,” said Saint Paul Acting President Dr. Nancy Howell. “In addition, her leadership across the United Methodist denomination has challenged many congregations to reshape how clergy and laity partner in the delivery of congregational care.”


  1. Jerry Putnam on April 8, 2020 at 5:56 pm

    How would I contact Rev. Lampe I know she has not been at COR for a while

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